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Insurance Advice

A good insurance portfolio evaluation requires the quantification of your needs and simplification of your objectives. With this purpose in mind, we meet and discuss efficient planning. We will then establish your goals and financial risks which will help us find the optimal solution for your unique situation.

Insurance policies are a great way to build wealth, especially when considering intergenerational wealth transfers.

Family and Business Protection

Family Protection

We understand that your family is important. Our goal is to help protect your family and dependents should tragedy strike.

  • Pay-off the mortgage or other debts
  • Maintain personal or family lifestyle
  • Take care of taxes due upon death
  • Provide liquidity and flexibility to your estate

Business Protection

A business can highly suffer in the event of the death of extended illness of an active business owner or key person. In some cases, the business may not even survive withtout emergency resources. A good insurance strategy will help.

  • Support transition period after the death or extended sickness of a key personnel
  • Fund a buy-sell agreement
  • Cover business overhead during disability
  • Pay off corporate debt

Wealth Transfer

An inheritance or a legacy is the final step in a complete financial plan. A lot of options are available, but your goals may include:

  • Leaving an inheritance to your children for them to get a jump start while the cost of living keeps on growing
  • Transfer a corporation to your heirs in the most tax efficient way possible
  • Fund a donation to charitable or religious organisation

Life insurance contracts can serve as efficient investment vehicles to fund such objectives. The treatment of such policies by the income tax act gives them a considerable advantage over other investment vehicles. In most cases, these vehicles can be used to obtain compounded tax free growth, while their death benefit provides an untaxed significant lump sum. The result is a “net rate of return” that is often difficult to match in traditional investment vehicles.